Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Your New Job

    Talking about an ideal job, i think i don't have one yet, but if i have to choose probably it be something related about human psychology or maybe chef, even writer, if i can combine all of this it will perfect, coming back to reality, if we talk about the career that I'm studying, an ideal job would be to be in clinical pharmacy, It is not a well-known area in this country and it's very difficult,
however i think, if i have the courage and the capacity, maybe i will make it true, this area give you a more real approach to the interactions that have a patient with a drug, with all the diseases that this patient brings with himself.

If I achieve this goal, I would like to travel around the world, learning about new medicines and treatments, about the different types of people that inhabit this world, unfortunately this must be done inside, for obvious reasons, but it is not something that discourages me, the point is to leave this country, learn new things and then formed a broad knowledge to bring them back and teach new generations, about the salary, I have never imported much absurd or high amounts of money, while I have to live a quiet life and help my relatives who need it, I give for paid.I obviously, if I travel the world, I took advantage of knowing beautiful places.

for example Switzerland is one of those countries, which not only stand out for their beautiful landscapes, but also because they are pioneers in the pharmaceutical industry


  1. Very interesting the jobs that you wrote in the beginning, by the way... I hope you can be a clinical pharmacist, greetings colleague!

  2. Wow I didn't know that Switzerland is pioneers in the pharmaceutical industry. I liked your post.

  3. travel around the world and get new experiences, will be the best emotion that you can feel.

  4. It sounds like a great idea, but i think it has a bigger responsibility because people's life will depend on you more directly

  5. Obviously Switzerland it's important for the pharmaceutical industry but working there I think you could be amazed all day seeing the beautiful views of nature.
